Dan Walwin

'Shallows' (2012) + New installation

Dan Walwin is making installations, which are missing narrative structures. We experience an uncomfortable sensation. We stay unsure where this disturbing feeling is coming from. 

Last year Dan Walwin finished his residency at the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam. In Arti et Amicitiae he will present new work he has been working on for the past six months. In addition to this we present his installation ‘Shallows’ (2012).

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Exhibition 2014
Arti Et Amicitiae

Francis Alÿs

'Tornado' (2000 – 2010)

Danny Devos

New installation

Zeger Reyers

New installation

Dan Walwin

'Shallows' (2012) + New installation

Zoro Feigl

New installation

Paul Kooiker

'Heaven' (2012)

Raquel Maulwurf


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