Raquel Maulwurf


The drawings of Raquel Maulwurf show beauty and horror at the same time. She is visualizing the imperfection of human nature; the destruction of war and ecological disasters. Her monumental images are dealing with moments of destructive forces and the question why mankind is so eager to destroy. 

Raquel Maulwurf is working with charcoal and pastel on thicker board and is doing this with great accuracy. Sometimes she physically torments and damages the surface of her works with sharp objects. The artist is materializing destruction in both subject and process.

At Arti et Amicitiae we will show some huge monumental abstract works. 

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Exhibition 2014
Arti Et Amicitiae

Francis Alÿs

'Tornado' (2000 – 2010)

Danny Devos

New installation

Zeger Reyers

New installation

Dan Walwin

'Shallows' (2012) + New installation

Zoro Feigl

New installation

Paul Kooiker

'Heaven' (2012)

Raquel Maulwurf


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