Artist at I’ve Got Goosting

Donec a ex condimentum, vehicula nunc cursus, feugiat odio. Aliquam consequat, risus vel vestibulum lacinia, tortor tellus pretium risus, id ullamcorper tellus justo ullamcorper ante. Pellentesque eu vulputate nisi. Integer quis feugiat lacus. Quisque sem dolor, facilisis id consectetur vel, euismod lobortis nunc. Pellentesque nunc enim, luctus sit amet metus sed, dictum consectetur magna. Integer dictum, tellus quis sollicitudin tristique, urna nunc euismod magna, id fermentum justo turpis sed dolor. Integer enim magna, dignissim et ex sit amet, dictum consequat nisi. Suspendisse vel lacinia diam. Vivamus pharetra accumsan nisi, a posuere elit pellentesque non. Aliquam erat volutpat. In rutrum est sed eros pellentesque dapibus. Donec id lobortis erat. Praesent sit amet diam eu nisl pulvinar viverra sit amet sed sapien. Suspendisse at lectus at nisi dictum iaculis eu non lorem.

News #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam elit nibh, commodo eget purus sed, aliquam laoreet odio. Morbi ut tortor id velit dapibus posuere eget non sapien. Duis vitae imperdiet lectus. Aenean erat justo, interdum eget volutpat eget, volutpat in tellus. Vivamus dignissim elit nec viverra fringilla. Praesent ante nunc, eleifend vel porta eu, posuere at enim. Nulla at arcu non risus tincidunt fermentum. Pellentesque dignissim mauris ac semper faucibus. Donec tortor felis, elementum nec odio fermentum, mattis viverra augue. Praesent a urna eget quam imperdiet egestas sed a orci. Donec et dolor sit amet tellus bibendum porttitor. Nulla auctor convallis ante, sit amet fringilla est suscipit vel. Fusce vitae sollicitudin odio.

News #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam elit nibh, commodo eget purus sed, aliquam laoreet odio. Morbi ut tortor id velit dapibus posuere eget non sapien. Duis vitae imperdiet lectus. Aenean erat justo, interdum eget volutpat eget, volutpat in tellus. Vivamus dignissim elit nec viverra fringilla. Praesent ante nunc, eleifend vel porta eu, posuere at enim. Nulla at arcu non risus tincidunt fermentum. Pellentesque dignissim mauris ac semper faucibus. Donec tortor felis, elementum nec odio fermentum, mattis viverra augue. Praesent a urna eget quam imperdiet egestas sed a orci. Donec et dolor sit amet tellus bibendum porttitor. Nulla auctor convallis ante, sit amet fringilla est suscipit vel. Fusce vitae sollicitudin odio.

Lightning Bolt & Guests

Lightning Bolt & Guests

Occii vs Haperende Mens #2- concert serie

1 juli 2015

Support: Julien Ottavi & Lukas Simonis & Goh Lee Kwang.

Entree: 10,- euro.

Locatie: Occii, Amsterdam.

Amstelveenseweg 134

1075 XL Amsterdam

tel. ++31 (0)20 6717778

Occii Amsterdam en Haperende Mens presenteren met trots het enige concert in deze tour van het legendarische noise rock duo Lightning Bolt in Nederland. Tegelijkertijd wordt dit waarschijnlijk het laatste concert in intieme setting gezien de goede ontvangst van het recente album ‘Fantasy Empire’ (2015)


Drummer Brian Chippendale en bassist Brian Gibson brachten in maart hun nieuwe album Fantasy Empire uit. 

‘Fantasy Empire’ is het eerste album dat is opgenomen in een professionele studio en dat levert een voller en meer gedefinieerd geluid op -met de bekende veelheid aan gelaagde geluiden zonder dat het overgeproduceerd klinkt. Er is veel media aandacht voor het duo. Het betreft niet alleen de zeer positieve recensies voor het album (o.a. een 8 op Pitchfork) maar ook de beide bandleden staan in de picture als persoon, met features in internationale bladen waaronder Rolling Stone (ook tot onze verbazing).

Het geluid van Brian Chippendale (mindflayer en Black puss) blijft chaotisch maar strak met de welbekende hoeveelheid energie.

Bassist “Brian Gibson manages to make four strings sound like many more. From the beginning, their mix of mayhem and heaviness brought to mind the sound Harry Pussy and Black Sabbath performing on stage at the same time. Lightning Bolt somehow showed up in big features of magazines that normally didn’t care much about noise, and appeared in record collections of people who felt pretty much the same”.


JULIEN OTTAVI (Percussion, electronics)

A mediactivist, artist-researcher, composer / musician, poet and tongues destroyer, experimental film maker and anarchitect, founder and member of Apo33, Julien Ottavi is involved in research and creative work, combining sound art, real-time video, new technologies and body performances.

LUKAS SIMONIS (Electric Guitar, electronics)

Is one of the founders of WORM, Rotterdam ( He organises and produces radio, concerts, cd’s, performing projects and writing. He started out as a ‘unconventional’ rock musician, playing in bands like Trespassers W and Dull Schicksal. The last few years he turned more and more to electronic, improvised music and sound art, allthough he still has a weak spot for his version of rock.

GOH LEE KWANG (Mixer Feedback)

GOH is an internationally recognized sound & new media artist from Malaysia. He has created sound installations, sonic-visual interactive installations, single channel video, multi-channels video, electro-acoustic improvised music performance, tape music, composition for radio broadcast and soundtrack for theater / dance / independent movie.

Goh’s works focus on the various possibility of both realistic & abstract, crossing the boundaries of digital & analog, electronic & acoustic, go beyond language, allowing audiences to experience the work directly, and in their own personal way. Most of his installation also operating interactively with the audience/viewer.

LANDVERRAAD (Dutch Anarcho-Noise Rock)

Glenn Branca Ensemble

Melkweg and Haperende Mens present the  American avant-garde composer and -guitarist Glenn Branca with his Ensemble.

Glenn Branca was a big influence to Swans and Sonic Youth (Lee Ranaldo and Thurston Moore played in his Ensemble).

This year on Primavera sound, Barcelona he is performing The Ascension: The Sequel. This summer he will finish the third part, Ascention #3. On his forthcoming tour we invited him on October 14th at the Melkweg.

Pre-sale from: june  28 : 23 + memb

get you ticket here

Haperende Mens Film Shorts

Tijdens het Haperende Mens Festival is in de filmzaal van de Melkweg een doorlopende vertoning te zien van de Haperende Mens Film Shorts, samengesteld door Chris Oosterom.


Astigmatismo – Nicolai Troshinsky (Spanje 2013)
Bloom – Sam Legassick (Groot-Brittannië 2014)
Emil – Simon Steinhorst (Duitsland 2014)
Familiar – Richard Powell (Canada 2012)
Figures – Miklos Keleti (België 2014)
Fragmenty – Aga Woszczynska (Polen 2014)
The Kármán Line – Oscar Sharp (Groot-Brittannië 2014)
Reproduction – Sagmo Alexander (Denemarken 2014)

Chris Oosterom is artistiek directeur van het Imagine Film Festival in Amsterdam. Voorheen was hij onder meer werkzaam als filmprogrammeur bij het  Paard van Troje in Den Haag en EKKO in Utrecht.